Wednesday 13 June 2018

CB Radios For Sale

Last week I got a message through Facebook from a young man called George. Who lives down in Devon

He had contacted me because he has a lot of CB Radio equipment which he was looking to sell and had contacted me to see if I might be interested or knew anyone that might be interested in purchasing them.

In his message he explained that his Great grandfather had recently passed away and this collection of CB Radios. Aerials and other accessories had belonged to him
His great grandfather was famed in his part of the world as a renowned rig doctor and was well known in his area. In fact people travelled great distances to have him look at their radios so he clearly had a great reputation.

George’s great Father was called John William Cleverly but was known to his friends as William and at the time of passing had over 700 radios in his possession.

George explained that they had cleared out nearly 500 of William's old radios but what was left was in great condition and that many of them were still in their original boxes. In fact the haul comes in around 195 Radios and microphones, countless antennas and other accessories like amplifiers and power meters.

Sadly, I don’t have the funds to be able to offer him a fair price and based on the quantity available wouldn’t have the space to store it all but I did offer to make a video on my channel to see if there was anyone else out their that might be interested in taking it off his hands.

Now, if there is someone out there who would be interested in purchasing the haul as a job lot then I’ve put a link to Georges email down at the bottom of this page so you can get in touch with him direct.

I know there are a lot of dealers out there who might be interested in getting their hands on so many original items or perhaps someone who would be interested in selling them separately on EBay or something.


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